Tuesday, September 9, 2008

project 1 - freewrite on "place"

place? place. time and space. memories of places i've been that i can see in my head are sometimes tied to what things i thought about during the time i spent there. my preschool is anger and frustration at snack time; i didn't get enough animal crackers and juice. who would be satisfied with just two bears and a penguin? my kindergarten classroom floor is a grid of nap mats and the lights are off, as i try to force myself to have dreams of pretty girls going down slides into pools of whipped cream, just like on the tv show "what would you do?" hosted by mark summers. what a lucky man. i remember a joke for my backyard during sixth grade, it was: "hey andrew, you just missed the french open" because jonathan and courtney had just made out in my dad's hot tub during truth or dare and andrew, who loves tennis, missed it because he was late to the party. i don't remember who said the joke, but they also threw skittles at Hans as he hid under a table with his tail between his legs.

What is "a sense of place?" What does it mean to be a person in a place? How do people shape places, and how are they shaped by them? Can places be in our minds as well as etched in the physical landscape? Are our identities a kind of place, in and of themselves?

in a way, the only 'place' a person can really ever be is inside his or her own body. the movie being john malkovich springs to mind - at the end when he became a prisoner inside another person's head seems a strong example of this. even within one's own body is like a sort of imprisonment.

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